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52d6c6af's user avatar
52d6c6af's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
18 votes

Can a British citizen living in France vote in both France and Britain in the European Elections?

7 votes

Why are referendums held? Are they not inherently anti-democratic?

6 votes

Did EU policy have a significant impact on total number of immigrants in the UK?

6 votes

How many new linear miles of border fencing has been built by Trump?

6 votes

Which Arab countries have explicitly stated they support Trump's peace plan for the Israel-Palestine issue?

5 votes

Why is populism seen as being negative or bad?

4 votes

What do the Brexiters want when they talk about striking new trade deals

4 votes

Have the UK Government reached an agreement with the EU on flights in a no deal scenario?

2 votes

Why is May in charge of Brexit negotiations? What happened to the prominent Brexiteers?

2 votes

What are the benefits for the US in declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital?

2 votes

Why does US confirm conducting strikes such as the one that targeted Qassem Soleimani?

2 votes

Does the EU have the power to expand its own power without the consent of EU members?

0 votes

Did the EU Referendum Act 2015 mandate “the leaflet”?

-1 votes

Is fascism left or right wing?

-1 votes

Why do the US media keep claiming that Iran is violating their nuclear deal even though the deal was withdrawn by the US?

-1 votes

How is the excise border managed in Ireland?

-4 votes

Why is President Trump making such a big deal about fake news, and specifically targeting reputable organizations like The New York Times and CNN?