The DNC has recently approved some structural reforms, many which are suspect in several ways IMHO, but a particularly interesting one is the following (ignore the pen markings, just read the second paragraph):
The DNC chair will now have the authority to determine whether a candidate is a "bona fide Democrat", and is faithful to the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic party.
Well, despite some actions to the contrary, US Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-Vt) is, well, an I, not a D. And he's not, to my knowledge, a member of the Democratic party of Vermont. You could discuss at length whether he does or doesn't count as a Democrat and whether he meets the criteria of that rule. But that doesn't matter, because the person who decides this is Chairperson Tom Perez, who was active in Clinton's campaign against Sanders, has purged some Sanders supporters from various DNC committees, etc. And if he wanted to, he could definitely make the argument that Sanders doesn't pass muster.
So is this the Sanders-killer rule? Or perhaps a means of pressuring him into better compliance with party dictates? Or - am I mis-interpreting things?