I'm not sure if this is the correct exchange to be posting this question, so apologies if this is not the right place.
I'm a US Resident, currently on a H-1B. I'm not a Green Card holder or a US National. I'm attempting to contribute to a candidate for the 2020 election but on the donation webpage, I see the need to certify that
I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
I'm wondering if this makes me ineligible to make the contribution? Also what are the penalties for making a false declaration (I'm curious to know the law and reasoning behind this).
The other side question is about buying bumper stickers and the like from the candidate's online store, I'm presented with the same declaration. Is buying merchandise also included in the scope and is it similarly illegal for me to have a bumper sticker on my car?
Lastly are there ways for me to legally sidestep this requirement? A couple of thoughts that I have are
- My infant son is a US Citizen, could I contribute in his name?
- Could I ask a colleague at work who is a US Citizen to make the contribution and pay him?
I'm not looking to do anything illegal as I don't want to adversely impact my future immigration application. In answers I'm looking to better understand the relevant provisions in law and the possible rationale of excluding legal residents and if it can be sidestepped while still staying in the boundaries of the law(s).