In comparing the 2/8/22 Taiwan and Donbas political dilemmas, in the spirit of “Comparative Politics”, two main similarities stand out:
As China wants Taiwan back, so Ukraine wants Donbas back; and
Neither Taiwan, nor Donbas wants to be reunited with their big neighbour.
The three main differences between the two political dilemmas are:
Taiwan has been independent a lot longer than Donbas.
The political situation in Donbas right now is hot, while that in Taiwan is, although warming up, still cold; and
The two breakaway regions have different motives for wanting to remain separated from their big neighbour. For Taiwan it is mainly for cultural * reasons, while for Donbas it is mainly for linguistic reasons.
Consequently, in comparing the similarities and differences in the present political dilemmas in Taiwan and Donbas it becomes evident that gross disrespect has been directed towards regional ethnic minorities, in both the two cases.
As far as minority suppression goes, China has a bad track record with Tibet as probably its biggest trophy. And Ukraine probably should have shown little Donbas as much grace as mother Russia showed it in 1991.
*“the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.” (Oxford Languages)