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When will Chuck Schumer become Majority Leader?

I'm not from the USA myself and I'm trying to understand the transfer of power following the Georgia Run-off elections for the senate.

So far in my head I've got the following:

  • Joe Biden is the president elect and will take over on the 20th Jan
  • The Democrat's control the House by 4 so have a majority and from what I can see Nancy Polosi will remain and the Majority leader
  • The Senate is 50/50 split with Mitch McConnell still the current Majority leader.

I've seen newspaper reports that Chuck Schumer is due to become the Majority Leader... at some point. I know there is some form of vote for a Leader of each party and then the Leader of the party in control becomes the Senate leader.

What I can't find out is a date for when this transfer is due to happen? Will it happen after Biden and Harris are sworn in? It would make sense as there won't be a change of power in the senate until until Harris is the VP and then can cast the deciding vote. Or is there a fixed date of when new leaders are voted in? A special session that happens every X years or months?

Thanks in advance