I don't think you'll find a single reference that will accurately cover all ceasefire violations. It's a large area and I don't think there are neutral observers who have direct access to the entire area. In the past there was a UN mission, United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM), which was tasked with observing the ceasefire. That mission ended over 50 years ago.
The best way to follow the conflict is to consider media reports from both sides of the conflict. I found a website, indopakconflictmonitor.org (IPCM), which claims to be:
an independent research initiative to monitor ceasefire violations, conflict patterns, and escalation dynamics between India and Pakistan.
Looking at the team behind the project it seems to be run mostly from New Delhi, India. Nevertheless, their methodology aims to find all cease fire violations (CFVs) that are publicly reported (e.g. in news reports and from Twitter feeds of military organisations in the conflict).
Their list of CFVs, further divided by year, can be found here. As they say on their methodology page, it's not a complete account because not every incident is reported publicly:
However, it should be noted that not all CFVs get reported in the press; since the reporting of the CFVs is bound to be lower than the actual occurrences of violations, the number of CFVs listed in the project’s datasets is significantly lower than the number of CFVs accounted for in the records.
That measures up with their data for 2019. They link to official data where both the Indian and Pakistani side claim about 3000 CFVs were perpetrated by the other side (in 2019 alone). The IPCM data links to about 200 incidents for that year (both sides combined).
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a lot of reports past 2019. Four incidents were reported for 2020 though that link doesn't seem to be available on their website (but you can query it by changing the URL).
In March of 2021 there were reports of a ceasefire pact. I am not sure if that pact still stands, but the monitor does not show any new data for this year.
In any case, I think these sorts of monitors (there may be others if the IPCM is no longer maintained) that provide a timeline of events as they are reported (even if not verified) are a good start to get familiar with what's happening. Of course the lack of verification means there may be false reports in the data, but that's not something that can be overcome easily.