According to Forbes, even when an EV car is recharged with fossil fuels, it emits less carbon per mile than internal combustion (IC) vehicles. When an EV vehicle is recharged by fossil fuel power plants, its emissions per mile is the equivalent of an IC car that gets 80 miles per gallon (that is the national average, but it varies by location, based on the environmental efficiency of local power. Equivalent to 35 MPG in Hawaii, equivalent to 191 MPG in New York).
As more power plants convert to clean energy sources, the cleanliness of EV car emissions becomes even better, as the only carbon they emit comes from the emissions of the power plant they are recharged by, and they may one day reach zero carbon emissions.
Jobs in the clean energy sector (solar, wind, alternative vehicles) are growing faster than in the fossil fuel sector and, according to NRDC, already feature five times as many jobs as the fossil fuel electric industry (coal, gas, oil).
Clean energy jobs are safe jobs that replace coal mining jobs that are currently plagued by health hazards like pneumoconioses.
Vehicles that emit carbon dioxide contribute to the effects of climate change, which include longer fire seasons, ocean acidification, desertification, loss of wildlife habitat, rising sea levels, more intense polar vortices caused by slowdown of thermohaline circulation (changes in the jet stream), more intense hurricane seasons, loss of biodiversity, and more. These are all valid reasons economically, politically, and ethically to try to reduce carbon emissions.
Air pollution also creates public health problems 1.
More than 80% of registered American voters support the Green New Deal; which would imply that general support for climate interventions is a popular policy, and therefore politically prudent for politicians to get behind.
Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable and will eventually necessitate replacing. At some point, as supply is dropping and extraction is slowing down, cost is going to go up.
As some drivers transition to EV cars and stop consuming gasoline, this directly causes falling fuel costs for drivers of IC cars, falling fuel costs for transporting consumer products, and therefore lower consumer costs for products and rising profit margins for corporations.
The big talking point regarding dependence on foreign oil conjectures that purchasing fossil fuels from the Middle East helps bankroll human rights violations.