Just one week ago the Germany minister for Health Lauterbach presented a scientific study conducted by among other the Robert-Koch-Institute (the leading German scientific advisor during the pandemics) about the situation of kindergarten facilities (children care from age one to six) during the pandemics.
The study concludes that forcing the kindergarten facilities to close for months (in April-June 2020 and January-April 2021) was wrong and according to this scientific results shouldn't have been done because they weren't locations of increased infection risk of Covid 19. Additionally, the study says that socially disadvantaged children and families have suffered especially under this measure. The minister promised that there won't be such shutdowns anymore (during this pandemics I guess).
In a joint press conference with the minister of Family Affairs on Nov 2nd 2022 the Minister of Health, Professor Karl Lauterbach said:
Kitas waren keine Infektionsherde...
Somit muss man sagen, nach dem Wissen von heute kommt man klar zu der Erkenntnis, dass die Kita-Schließungen zu Begin der Pandemie nicht nötig gewesen wären, sie waren also unnötig aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft von heute...Das Schließen von Kitas ist medizinisch definitiv nicht angemessen...und wäre nicht nötig gewesen.
Kindergartens were no source of infections...
Accordingly one has to say, from the knowledge of today one has to come to the conclusion that the Kindergarten closures at the beginning of the pandemic would not have been necessary, they had been needless from the view of science of today...Closures of Kindergartens are definitely not medicinally adequate...and were not necessary.
Minister of Family Affairs Lisa Paus said:
Trotz all dieser Anstrengungen wissen wir, dass die Belastung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Pandemie deutlich zugenommen haben, und das gerade bei denjenigen, die shon vor der Pandemie belastet waren. Deswegen ist es eben nicht überrraschend, aber um so bedrückender, dass die Pandemie die soziale Ungleichheit schon bei den Kleinsten, schon bei Kindern in der Kita verschärft hat. Laut der Kita-Corona-Studie tragen die Kinder, die am meisten von frühkindlicher Förderung profitieren können, besonders schwer an den Folgen der Eindämmungsmaßnahmen.
Despite of all efforts made we know that the strains on children and adolescents were significantly rising during the pandemic, and especially for those that had been under pressure even before the pandemic. Therefor it is not surprising, but even more depressing that the pandemic aggravated social inequality already among the youngest, even among children in daycare. According to the Kindergarten-Corona study the children that can profit the most from early childhood assistance, are suffering the most from the consequences of containment measures.