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IDF’s top lawyer warns against ‘cases of unacceptable conduct’ by troops in Gaza
Halevi’s and Tomer-Yerushalmi’s comments come weeks after The New York Times published an article titled “What Israeli Soldiers’ Videos Reveal: Cheering Destruction and Mocking Gazans,” which showed photos and videos of Israeli soldiers making derogatory comments about Palestinians, vandalizing civilian property and smiling for the cameras while driving bulldozers and using explosives.
The report cited an IDF statement condemning the soldiers’ posts as “deplorable.”
The gravity of the acts in question matter too. Compared to the, alleged war crimes by one side, and the certain atrocities by the other. These are not war crimes as such.
Why non-Israeli, Western, politicians will steer clear:
Western soldiers have, on numerous occasions, behaved in such disgraceful manner. Lack of discipline, lack of clear moral leadership, combat stress, gallows humor, revenge, the very nature of these wars against irregular armies?
Those events are not what many would find most worrying. I would reserve that for allegations like Special forces blocked UK resettlement applications from elite Afghan troops. Or the Abu Ghraib scandal. Or summary executions on the battlefield.
In past wars, when Western soldiers were caught doing the kinda of crap this question refers to, other allied nations generally publicly avoided saying much about it, letting the national equivalents of those IDF lawyers take the lead in condemning it. And that was mostly the case even in the much more serious second type of actions I mention above: we expect our peer nations to mostly behave and clean their dirty laundry themselves.
There may have been more pressure behind the scenes but I can't recall it being that public (maybe with Abu Ghraib?).
So it is unclear why Western officials would get too involved, on this particular matter. They'll dodge the question as much as they can.
Last, while it is easy to condemn images of men bound and stripped to their underwear, one also needs to remember there may be valid operational security reasons for that, at least right after capture: this is a region rife with the use of suicide vests.
This kind of subject is also somewhat of a lose-lose proposition for politicians to address:
(which is why the lawyers had that job)