A democratic state (e.g. the USA) trades of course products from foreign nations (e.g. China). Furthermore those democratic states have of course security/health/environment protection standards, which should ensure that the products the nation's citizen use are not damaging.
My question doesn't address products like drugs, cars, chemicals, child nutrition and such from foreign nations - as those are naturally more likely to be damaging or at least very sensitive. Therefore they do need of course an official approval that they meet those standards.
However, what about really small things, like artificial candles, pens, USB-sticks and cables?
It wouldn't make sense to test all those small things, because
- The number of products which have to be tested would be just too high and therefore wasting personal resources.
- This particular democratic state would then be much less attractive as an trade "target", because it would be just too difficult/expensive there.
On the other hand, although they are small and less likely to damage something (normally trade partners care about those standards, as otherwise not respecting them would maybe destroy their reputation in this particular state), they still could do heavy damage to a big amount of citizen: For instance, imagine even more poorly constructed batteries like the well known cases in widely use.
So therefore, my question is: How does a democratic state prevent such heavy damage caused by low quality, foreign products?
1: I assumed that an democratic state cares more and honestly about their citizen's protection. I don't think in a dictatorship has equal or even more protective rights than a democratic state. Therefore, I also assumed, dictatorships have very little protective rights and therefore the limitation of the question. So I've just used the term "democratic" in my question above to emphasize the direction of my question.
Also I think, this question is addressable to national/local low quality products, but I think foreign low qualities is more interesting.