Has there ever been a system where the votes received were the measure of power each winning candidate had in the legislature? I have found this under the name Direct Representation and Interactive Representation.
This seems like a straight forward solution to the problems which people usually try to solve with Proportional Representation. If your candidate does not win then your vote could be passed to another candidate from their party.
Has anything like this ever been done or only proposed? Are there any issues with doing this as a modification to the Westminster System?
Please note this is a different question to this. In that question the weight is determined by the margin and in this system the weight is determined by votes received plus transfers from other constituencies. Furthermore, the question was never answered there. The answers all discussed Proportional Representation (seat to popular vote ratio for parties) which would remain unchanged. This would get at the underlying issue but by changing the power of the individual representative with no reference to the Proportional Represenation.