In 2017 Romania was full of anti-corruption protests and some media channels have been far from journalism deontology when reporting these protests (example: dogs paid by Soros to protest).

Some proposed an economical boycott against the media channels reporting such news by inviting companies to not finance advertising. However, this article shows that virtually all the companies soon came back and displayed ads on those channels.

I am wondering if any such boycott managed to reach its goal:

  • more recent than 1990
  • income from advertising has significantly lowered for a while (e.g. decrease by 10% or more for more than one year)
  • serious lack of journalism deontology as the main cause for the boycott (e.g. fake news)

Question: Has any recent boycott against a media due to fake news channel succeeded?

1 Answer 1


The campaign against Breitbart organised by among others the Twitter account Sleeping Giants may qualify. Breitbart lost approximately 90% of their advertisers over a three month period in 2017 and have not yet recovered. They have also since then lost about 75% of their readership. The boycott was explicitly motivated by accusations of spreading fake news and collaborations with white nationalists.

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation about how Ben Shapiro leaving Breitbart might have been the reason for its decline has been moved to chat.
    – Philipp
    Commented Aug 3, 2020 at 9:38

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