In the lawsuit filed by Texas against Pennsylvania and other states, SCOTUS did request the defendants to respond by December 10, 2020, but they did not say until December 11 that they were not going to hear the case, or give any sort of indication of a ruling on the case until then.
Given that one of the things that the plaintiffs are asking for was a change in what happens on December 14, 2020, when the electoral college meets, was SCOTUS required to give some sort of response before then, even if that response was to say "we aren't going to take the case"? Or could SCOTUS have simply left the case there, untouched by them in any way, until past December 14?
And if they had done so, would they even have had an option to find for the plaintiffs at that point? Since the electoral college would have already met, it would be actually impossible to give Texas what they were asking for wouldn't it?
To sum up the primary question, are there any rules that required SCOTUS to give some sort of response to this lawsuit before December 14?