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5 votes
3 answers

Political countermeasures for "Web Environment Integrity"

It looks like Google is trying to enable the "Web Environment Integrity" API, which will allow web servers to determine if the browser has been tampered with, e.g., using an ad-blocker or ...
user000001's user avatar
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Why did the EU give stronger "protections" to minors in the GDPR, considering that COPPA has had the effect of restricting those it tries to protect?

Quite a few years ago, the US passed COPPA, which imposes quite strict regulations on sites that collect information from children under 13. The end result was that many sites banned users under 13 ...
Someone's user avatar
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4 answers

Why doesn't the EU encourage anonymity rather than creating rules about handling personal data?

The EU has a lot of laws regulating the privacy of personal data which tell companies when, how and under which conditions they may store information about their users. GDPR is the most notorious of ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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What is the total estimated cost of complying with GDPR?

All companies, charities, websites, NGOs and even government entities in Europe are scrambling to begin complying with GDPR. It seems that pretty much anyone who as much as stores a list of customer ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

Why is privacy a subject felt more in Europe rather than the US?

Almost regularly there is news on this or that US (internet) company that must adapt its practices for European customers, since they tend to be too lax with regards to privacy protection according to ...
Federico's user avatar
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How can the European Union enforce the General Data Protection Regulation?

The upcoming General Data Protection Regulation of the EU has some strong provisions including penalties for mis-managing data. I don't understand though how it can be enforced outside of Europe, ...
user86422's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Invalid "safe harbour" decision - what has changed?

The international Safe Harbor Privacy Principles were declared invalid by the European Court of Justice in October 2015. Is it known whether the behavior of companies storing consumer data and ...
Sir Sy's user avatar
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