It's well known that Donald Trump is an advocate of (a fairly hard) Brexit, along the lines of the UK taking back control of its borders (a topic that meshes well with Trump's domestic policy on immigration.) E.g. after Boris Johnson's resignation, Trump said [excerpts]:
“I actually told Theresa May how to do it, but she didn’t listen to me.
“The deal she [May] is striking is a much different deal than the one the people voted on.
“It was not the deal that was in the referendum. I have just been hearing this over the last three days. I know they have had a lot of resignations. So a lot of people don’t like it.”
Has Trump said anything about the Irish border though? It's one of most difficult topics in the Brexit negotiations, and insofar a "hard border" has been called politically undesirable by both UK and the EU... So has Trump ever mentioned the topic of the Irish border in his vision/advice on Brexit?
Ok, apparently he said something very vague, in March 2018:
US President Donald Trump has said he will visit Ireland and would go to the border. [...] On the border, Mr Trump said: "That is an interesting border also, we have two interesting borders", an apparent allusion to the US/Mexico frontier where he wants to build a wall.
That's probably too vague for an answer through. I guess we might have to wait for his post-visit impression/advice.