European Parliament elections has passed and Romanian diaspora once again had serious difficulties in casting a vote (Bristol Post, Dubai City Reporter, Vice).
Thousands of Romanian diaspora protested outside embassies and polling stations across Europe Sunday after long queues left many unable to vote.
This is not a surprise as similar events have happened in 2014, during the presidential elections:
Following very long voting times and large numbers of people who couldn't vote before the closing of polls in diaspora, large protests were staged in multiple cities across Romania and at Romanian embassies before the second round. This was regarded as both incapacity and unwillingness of Ponta's government to organize fair elections, and led to a surprisingly large turnout of over 64% (largest since 1996), and a surprise win for Iohannis in the second round.
I am wondering how can a person who was denied the right to vote react to this? Is it possible to sue the government for denying the right to vote.
Question: What can a person do if she could not cast her vote during EU parliamentary elections?