OK, I have extracted the spending data from http://www.usgovernmentspending.com into a spreadsheet, and here's what I came up with:
1) "Other" category of spending contains the following sub-categories (I have only included those that have non-zero federal spending):
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunti
Basic research
Community development
Economic affairs n.e.c.
Fuel and energy
General economic, commercial and labour
Housing development
Pollution abatement
Protection of biodiversity and landscape
Recreational and sporting services
Water supply
2) Here are the figures for "Other" Federal spending, 2002-2012.
I have sorted by overall averages and included 2002-2008 and 2009-2012 averages.
I have highlighted as yellow those elements that are >30% off from overall average.
I have highlighted as pink those elements that are >30% off from cohort (4-year)average.
As you can seem the largest components are Agriculture, Community Development, Basic Research, ad Housing Development (which jumped from #4 in a decade to #1 since 2009, due to assorted housing market subsidies etc...).
An additional spike was Economic affairs in 2009, most likely due to TARP spending, but that did NOT affect the averages too much (only 50% growth) since most of TARP was repaid in 2010/2011.