In an animated graphic embedded in CNN"s December 9, 2023 Study says US military intervention in the world is backfiring a dark gray dot indicating "small military installation" appears starting in 1971 (according to the animation) and is still there in 2019 and perhaps 20201.
It's a world map and the dots are huge, but it looks like the location is in the general area of Phnom Penh, perhaps in the direction of Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City.
The animation is credited to Gannett and may be from USA Today.
In Wikipedia's List of United States military bases which lists many international sites, is no mention of Cambodia.
Then again, the dot indicates "small military installation" and not "military base".
Question: What "small military installation" did the US have in Cambodia as recently as 20191 per this Gannett animated graphic, and what was/is its function?
1the animation rolls over from 2020 to 1945 by dissolving so I can't be certain of the status in 2020 per the graphic.