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Questions tagged [chile]

For questions about the government, politics, and laws of the Republic of Chile.

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6 votes
1 answer

Which parts of Chilean constitution need to be changed?

Yesterday (25th of October 2020) Chile voted overwhelmingly "Yes" in a referendum to change the constitution. I guess that's a good thing since the previous constitution was drafted by ...
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2 votes
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Does any other Latin American country have a justice system in which the security forces can only be prosecuted by military courts?

According to a 2016 Amnesty article, the Chile justice system encourages brutality from the security forces because Chile’s military courts, which deal with cases of human rights violations committed ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What happens if the President of Chile resigns?

There is currently (October 2019) a social and political crisis affecting Chile, where mass demonstrations are demanding change to the government. The militarisation of the conflict by the government (...
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