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Questions tagged [egalitarianism]

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4 votes
3 answers

Is America more egalitarian than other countries?

There is a widely held perception that USA is a land of equal opportunities. A country wherein citizens are not bound by the constraints of a rigid or semi-rigid class system. This is the essence of ...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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What are the most known examples of weighed voting that are practiced in democratic countries?

From Yannis' answer to What are the reasons against plural voting?: ...similarly to how forms of weighted voting are not generally considered undemocratic and are practiced and widely accepted in ...
user4012's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What are the reasons against plural voting?

Plural voting is the practice whereby one person might be able to vote multiple times in an election. It used to exist historically (see Wikipedia) but was generally abandoned. It seems that modern ...
user4012's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there modern examples of plural voting?

Plural voting is the practice of allocating more than one vote to a person based on some criteria (such as land ownership, university education, etc...). According to Wikipedia, anywhere it was in ...
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