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Why are politicians and statesmen reticent to challenge the theory behind "Too Big To Fail"?

Why are politicians and statesmen reticent to challenge the theory behind "Too Big To Fail"? It seems that "Too Big To Fail" is the mainstream theory on how to best handle a big ...
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Who did something wrong in 2007-2008 financial crash?

In 2008, U.S. taxpayers spend hundreds of billions of emergency dollars to stabilize the economy. Who specifically did something "wrong" (whether criminal, unethical, or stupid), and what ...
Paul Draper's user avatar
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What was the largest case of fraud involving TARP money (financial crisis bailout funds)?

There were hundreds of convictions for misusing TARP money given as bailout after the 2008 financial crisis. The US government set up the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in October 2008 to buy ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
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How come no bank chiefs in the US & UK went to prison for the financial crash of 2008?

This story by Forbes points that the only bank chiefs in the financial crisis that engulfed the Western world in 2007/8 were from Iceland: This is where the worlds only bank chiefs imprisoned in ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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What political actions (if any) in the US caused this stock market stagnation? [closed]

I am looking at the stock market, and there's a clear point where things started declining and then stagnating. What was the cause for this point? Was it political? I don't remember hearing about any ...
Baoeo's user avatar
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The US has done lots of Quantitative Easing, so why does it not do the same for its debt?

The US government owes lots of money. When US-based banks and other financial institutions faced a similar problem (ok, not a similar problem, but a crisis) - the US government, through the Federal ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Do US politicians consider the 2008 Global Financial Crisis Finished?

Do politicians, in the US, consider "2008 Global Financial Crisis" Finished? or not? What signs for each side they mention?
user 1's user avatar
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Data on foreclosed IndyMac mortages after WestOne Bank acquired assets?

With the recent appointment of Steven Mnuchin for Treasure Secretary in the upcoming Trump administration in the US, I've heard renewed discussion of the foreclosures on holders of mortgages ...
steve_0804's user avatar
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What is the necessity of the FDIC in the US banking system?

A bank's basic function is to "borrow short and lend long". In other words, it borrows money from depositors over the short term, promising to repay it on demand, while it lends most of that money out ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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What is the current impact of TARP (bank bailout) on US deficit?

As far as I am aware, at least some of the money that was given by US Government under TARP was paid back to the government. As such, how much of the ~$800 Billion was given back to the treasury and ...
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