But the french also hate the EU. No more than 25% of them still supports it. If such a referendum were to happen in france, the result for leave would probably be much higher - comment on another question. This seems very unlikely to me but I'm far more familiar with UK than France.

What is the actual support for Frexit?

If it's as high as the comment above asserts, why?

  • 5
    Never heard about this number, and I am french. So be careful. I asked about a source, did not get it.
    – Gautier C
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 22:02
  • My source was a printed Newspaper (24 heures) released a about a week ago, I forgot which day of course. It was about an eurobarometre, and showed a graphic about how much nations supported the EU over time. The nations most against EU were decribed as France and Greece. I do not remember the exact numbers, but it was arround 25-30% of support, and the curve was leaning downward. On the other hand, Poland was described as the most europhile nation with 70-75% of support for EU policies, and a curve going highwards.
    – Bregalad
    Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 17:31
  • @Bregalad Don't worry, I found why they said that, I put the link in my answer :) (thanks for the edit btw !)
    – Gautier C
    Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 19:16
  • Low. And it would be even lower after a real debate when Germany had made it clear what an end of the French/German partnership would mean. Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 20:21

2 Answers 2


I will try to explain to you the actual situation in France.

Please read this survey TNS Sofres for the 2017 presidential, made in April. In order to be clear, Alain Juppé is from the Republicans party, Marine Le Pen from the Front National (nationalists), François Hollande is from the Socialist party and Jean-Luc Mélenchon from what is refereed to as "divers gauche" (communists + some other left political parties).

A bit less than 26% of the population are supporting the FN (Front national, like UKIP, even worst). For example, they support closing borders, repel immigrates, etc... Needless so they they don't like EU.

On the other 74%, there is 35% support for republicans, 13% for socialists and 12% for communists. The remaining are for ecologists, centre, and do not vote.

But, our president is the least popular since the funding of the 5th Republic, with only 13% people who still trust him (survey TNS Sofres). Even his own party doesn't trust him. So Socialists tends to be for another side, but not republicans, so they will go either for nationalists or for the communists etc... who happens to hate the EU.

In the 35% from Republican, there is only few people who blame the EU for what is happening.

So for me, maybe 51% of the population maximum are not a great fans of the EU, but I don't think they hate it, never heard of that from any of my friends.

Again, those numbers are approximate, but they give you a tendency.

A survey Paris-Match i-Tele, done the 23rd and 34 of June, found that only 2 French over 3 want to stay in the EU.

I see where you found the 26%. In this Sondage Atlantico, only 26% of French people think EU give us more advantages than drawbacks. However, 34% thinks it gives as much advantages than drawbacks and 40% think it gives more drawbacks. That does not mean that hate EU, they just say it is not helping to have EU rules etc... And it is only 40%.

  • Do you have sources for any of those #s? 68% of all statistics on Internet is made up :)
    – user4012
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 22:11
  • What I'm looking for is data prefereably sourced in reputable polling. Ideally, aggregate.
    – user4012
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 22:12
  • 1
    @user4012 I have remove this part, since I can't have any numbers.
    – Gautier C
    Commented Jun 24, 2016 at 22:59
  • 4
    Don't forget that most people who will vote for FN probably don't want the politics of the FN but are simply fed up by the current political caste - and would be very surprised by the politics of a FN government. Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 20:20
  • 3
    @MartinSchröder - on the other end, I wouldn't be surprised if the politics of a hypothetical FN government will be a big surprise to many of FN voters who vote hoping for those politics. For some reason I seriously dount that FN is the only party in the world uniquely comprised of politicians who never lie or promise things they have no intent or way of delivering, to get votes :)
    – user4012
    Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 20:24

The EU has been built on false promises from the start (socialist Britannic perspective), and by 2005 a majority of people in France rejected the way it was going: 55% voted NO to the ratification of the proposed constitution. The Netherlands voted NO at 62%. The UK and Ireland cancelled their referendums by fear of their population voting NO as well.

The EU needed to overrule the popular vote, so after a period of reflection it proposed a lifting of the same constitution renamed as the Lisbon treaty for the occasion. This treaty would have been rejected again, notably by France, the Netherlands, the UK and Ireland, so pro-EU governments took care of not organizing referendums with the exception of Ireland, where the population rejected the treaty. Ireland was then shamed as a country and pressured into ignoring the vote and organizing a new one one year later. See this.

Many French people from the left still remember this, and as the situation has been worsening ever since they of course have a very bad opinion of the EU. Personally I consider it to be an undemocratic white elephant that ceased to be legitimate in 2008 when the French Assembly and Senate ratified the Lisbon treaty against the will of the people.

Of course, people on the far right have been against the EU from the beginning, so from both left and right it is logical that France would Frexit if a referendum asked this question. It won't happen though, as only the FN would organize such a referendum...

  • 3
    My downvote is for the unsourced statement of opinion in the first sentence.
    – phoog
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 13:38
  • @phoog Fair enough, here is a nice retrospective (in French though) : youtube.com/watch?v=qzV52nNCvB0 => almost 40 years now that the PS has been making false promises about a social Europe that is never going to be. For every elections, they lied. Another link from a Britannic perspective: theconversation.com/…
    – Shautieh
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 14:15
  • 3
    Why this answer makes some (partial) headway in answering the "why" of it, it doesn't answer the core question of "what is the actual support for Frexit?".
    – user11249
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 14:33
  • @Carpetsmoker the what is too volatile, and yes I restrained myself to the more political aspect of the EU rejection. There are many other reasons too... Frexit cannot happen unless the FN is elected as the other parties would never organize such a risky referendum, so even if a majority of French citizens would want to go out, it won't happen.
    – Shautieh
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 15:06
  • 3
    @MSalters There is no strong correlation between voting FN and wanting to Frexit. Many people from the left would want to Frexit and yet will never vote FN, and conversely, many people vote FN for reasons not related to their stance about the EU. I think you are right to assume that if there is a referendum, it will 1/ have been organized by the FN (as the pro EU parties have learned the UK lesson), and 2/ result in a Frexit (even if not enough voters from FN would vote out, a strong minority from the left would seal the deal).
    – Shautieh
    Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 14:12

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