I will try to explain to you the actual situation in France.
Please read this survey TNS Sofres for the 2017 presidential, made in April. In order to be clear, Alain Juppé is from the Republicans party, Marine Le Pen from the Front National (nationalists), François Hollande is from the Socialist party and Jean-Luc Mélenchon from what is refereed to as "divers gauche" (communists + some other left political parties).
A bit less than 26% of the population are supporting the FN (Front national, like UKIP, even worst). For example, they support closing borders, repel immigrates, etc... Needless so they they don't like EU.
On the other 74%, there is 35% support for republicans, 13% for socialists and 12% for communists. The remaining are for ecologists, centre, and do not vote.
But, our president is the least popular since the funding of the 5th Republic, with only 13% people who still trust him (survey TNS Sofres). Even his own party doesn't trust him. So Socialists tends to be for another side, but not republicans, so they will go either for nationalists or for the communists etc... who happens to hate the EU.
In the 35% from Republican, there is only few people who blame the EU for what is happening.
So for me, maybe 51% of the population maximum are not a great fans of the EU, but I don't think they hate it, never heard of that from any of my friends.
Again, those numbers are approximate, but they give you a tendency.
A survey Paris-Match i-Tele, done the 23rd and 34 of June, found that only 2 French over 3 want to stay in the EU.
I see where you found the 26%. In this Sondage Atlantico, only 26% of French people think EU give us more advantages than drawbacks. However, 34% thinks it gives as much advantages than drawbacks and 40% think it gives more drawbacks. That does not mean that hate EU, they just say it is not helping to have EU rules etc... And it is only 40%.