According to a Pew survey/study, supporters of "right-wing populist" parties (by which they mean e.g. UKIP, FN of France, Northern League in Italy, or AfD in Germany) have more confidence in Trump to "do the right thing regarding world affairs" compared to average person from the same European country (of that party).
Given Trump's "America first" policy (or at least slogan), why would supporters of nationalistic parties in Europe trust Trump to "do the right thing regarding world affairs" (more than other Europeans do)? Are there any surveys or at least qualitative studies (like interviews etc.) among supporters of "right-wing populist" parties (as defined above) which shed any light on the reasons for this confidence?
(I can see UKIP being a special case here due to Trump promising post-Brexit trade deals with the UK etc. But what about the "right-wing populist" parties in the rest of the EU?)