I'm currently researching about correlations of government types and its possible effects.
As of late, I've just finished parsing some wiki pages and basically made tables of indicator rankings showing every country in the list while also showing their government types.
The indicators currently used are:
- Corruption Perception Index (2015, Transparency International)
- Index of Economic Freedom (2016, Wall Street Journal and the Heritage
Foundation) - GDP(Nominal) (2015, IMF)
(If you're interested, the spreadsheet is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jdqQwip9i-tONLCQmJYYgrVUP3CtvGakevQ-gjugtOY/edit?usp=sharing)
But given that the above is probably too wide of a scope and is just very raw data, it'll probably be hard to make any proper and concrete conjectures. Given this, I'm currently thinking of focusing on countries that had undergone or is currently undergoing a change in their form of government. I'm hoping to see some sort of before and after given the transition.
As a background of why I'm doing is, I'm from the Philippines and the country has just gone through an election. The incoming administration is proposing a shift from the current unitary presidential form of government to a possible federal parliamentary form of government. I'm just trying to educate and inform myself of the possibilities. And if time and energy permits it, probably also others. Hope you can help me with this. =)
As for a question I'm pondering now: Have there been countries that transitioned from a parliamentary to a presidential form of government? Because from what I had currently researched, I've mostly found the opposite, which is most countries transitioning from a presidential to a parliamentary form of government. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
And if you could suggest some other indicators to use, that would be swell. =D