Looking at the 2021 mayoral election, I have seen more shut-out precincts in the NYC mayoral primary than in other elections in this city. I understand there are caveats to talking about the shut out precincts in a primary for electing/nominating a candidate that has no realistic chance of winning, but the NYC Democratic mayoral primary likely has in the neighborhood of 950 thousand votes.
I am curious about how these shut-out precincts behaved in the 2021 Democratic primary (total votes cast), and the 2020 presidential election (excluding 3rd party votes). I will add the additional requirement that a shut-out area needs to have more than 50 votes in the Democratic primary, because of the small numbers fallacy starts to become an issue at numbers that are smaller than that. More than 50 votes effectively implies less than 2% of the votes would go to the Republicans if there were an arbitrary number of votes cast in a given hypothetical area. Most areas of NYC did not hit this mark in 2020 though many did in 2016.
If possible, I want more detailed statistical data on the vote share in the 2020 race and primary votes cast.