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What's currently preventing the seizure of Russian assets to satisfy the Yukos court judgement?

Looks like the enforcement was blocked by legal appeals: [Feb 24th, 2024] Amsterdam Court of Appeals rules that Russia must pay former Yukos shareholders The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has rejected ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

It's difficult to fully perceive the comparison. The short story of the 1962 Missile Crisis was that the US had installed nuclear missiles in Turkey (a NATO member) in 1961, to target the Soviet Union....
Steve's user avatar
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What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022? I'd say the first of the fundamental differences is that ultimately the US didn't force Cuba to do more than give ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
2 votes

What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

They are pretty much unrelated. So first of all the Cuban missile crisis happened (~60 years ago) in the context of the cold war. Which at least superficially was an ideological and military conflict ...
haxor789's user avatar
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What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

Let's start with similarities first: Cuba and Ukraine both had recently changed regimes, going from US aligned to USSR aligned in Cuba and from Russia aligned to US/NATO aligned in Ukraine. Both these ...
max's user avatar
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What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

They are very, very, unrelated. 1962 Cuba was a nuclear crisis in which the US sought to stop the establishment of nearby Soviet nuclear missile bases (akin to those deployed by the US itself in ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
4 votes

What is the fundamental difference between the Cuban Missile Crisis and Ukraine 2022?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a defensive move by the USSR. The USSR placed missiles in Cuba primarily to counter U.S. missiles stationed in Turkey and Italy, which threatened Soviet territory. This ...
user366312's user avatar
-6 votes

Does Ukraine consider itself to be at war with North Korea?

North Korea did not send 10,000 soldiers to fight Ukraine. North Korea did send 10,000 soldiers to defend Russia, if ukrainian soldiers entered Russia's Kursk oblast and suddenly discovered they are ...
Ivan Borsuk's user avatar
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Does Ukraine consider itself to be at war with North Korea?

One could equally ask whether the US and the EU consider themselves in war with Russia - these take part by supplying weapons, training of troops, and financial support to Ukraine, but legally none of ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
24 votes

Does Ukraine consider itself to be at war with North Korea?

To my knowledge (and as of this date), neither Ukraine nor North Korea has declared war on the other. Russia has a somewhat unusual military structure. Conscripted soldiers are not allowed to fight ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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Exit strategies for the Ukraine war

The New York Times reports that JD Vance, Trump's vice president-elect, seems to favor an end of the war essentially cementing the status quo, with Ukraine conceding roughly the occupied territories ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar

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